
Little (Steadfast) Tin Soldier: EnglandxReader

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Literature Text

Little Tin Soldier
Let's tell a story. It isn't a sad or happy ending, not even one that brings out anger... Ok never mind it mixes all three. But this story is a Christmas tale from long ago. It all started in a boy's bedroom.
A little blonde boy named Alfred had been given a gift that Christmas eve. A wooden box with four tin soldiers all lined tall and straight, different faces and expressions were on each. Each wore a red uniform with a white sash and trousers, each held a wooden riffle with a tiny bennett at the end. But there was one soldier with blonde messy like locks and small emerald eyes that caught interest to the boy. The real reason Alfred took more interest in this particular soldier was his one leg.
It seemed the factory wasn't able to finish him because there wasn't enough metal for him, so left him like that instead.

"Hmmm," Alfred stared at the soldier, "I say you're a hero who will someday save the damsel!" The boy exclaimed.
"I'll name you Arthur!"

The boy played with his toy soldier, making him an underdog of his imagination world who will later on be the saviour. Soon it was time for the little blonde boy to sleep. It was Christmas eve and his parents didn't want him up in case Santa was to appear. Giving up, he placed his tin soldier in the box with the rest of his others. That night a magical event began to occur, there was a CRASH! and the room was filled with bits of soot.
A man with a sack of toys came and smiled at the scene.

"It is midnight, yes?"
No answer. Although the man smiled.
"Time for the toys to have their own fun, yes?"
The man noticed Arthur and picked him up, smiling. "I once knew your creator, Arthur," he said, "now you will have to be brave in the future, so this Christmas I am giving you a brave and generous heart, each time you awake."

The man threw some sparkly dust like particles into the air. It went above the toys' heads, each starting to wake. But before any of them could open their eyes the man was gone and was replaced by gifts surrounding the tree. Every toy seemed to be happy, this has been happening each night. It seemed the man knew of the toys and it was usually a small fairy to bring the toys to life.
Arthur and his tin soldiers, he preferred call them 'brothers', hopped out out of their box and started to explore the room. It was hard to Arthur to keep up. Climbing up the stairs he noticed a nice white palace with rose bushes surrounding a glass lake. There was a clock above and at the centre a beauty he had ever laid eyes on, and that was saying something. Which he was staring at was a beautiful ballerina doll by the name of _______.
_______ stood alone, but graceful on her lake. She was beautiful, her (fav/c) dress flowed just barely past her knees. Her (s/c) skin glowed in the light. She was a bit (taller, shorter, same) height than he, but dainty in anyway. Arthur felt sad he only had one leg, doubting his chances with her.
That was when he noticed she too had one leg. Hopping towards her ______ turned her gaze to the soldier standing in front of her with a rose in hand. Her heart skipped a beat from seeing the handsome toy in front of her.

"Hello love, my name is Arthur," he greeted, "sorry for intruding onto your home. You are quite beautiful, I wanted a closer look."

______'s (e/c) eyes fell towards the small rose. She smiled, lowering her other foot from position. She then noticed Arthur's smile faltered. She didn't like seeing the man sad, so she took his offering and smelled the sweet aroma.

"Hey don't be sad," she said, placing it in her (h/l) (wavy/straight/curly) (h/c) hair.
"See?" She said, "my name is _____ by the way."

She gave him her hand, but before Arthur could plant a kiss on her hand she took it back. She danced her way behind him, tapping him on the shoulder before walking a few paces from him. The blonde soldier was curious of her mischievous ways, he then walked away when she wasn't looking. _____ turned her gaze behind her to notice Arthur wasn't there anymore. She then felt a tap on her shoulder, giving a 180 degree rotation she then was met face to face with the blonde soldier.
Emerald orbs staring across to (e/c) ones. He then knelt in front of her. The two were about to hold each other's hands when another toy appeared. He was known as Francis, a jack-in-the-box. He sprang out of his box and attacked the couple.
He, too, was in love with ______. But every time he approached her, he would just be rejected and he would not let this new toy get in the way. He was a larger toy than the two.

"Stand back, love," he said pointing his riffle at Francis.
"Ohonhonhon, don't make me laugh," Francis laughed.

He picked up Arthur in a matter of seconds, cluttering the area. _____ noticed a rubber ball and used all her strength to carry the large item.

"Francis! Leave him alone!" She yelled throwing the ball, hitting him.

Arthur was released from his grasp. While he shook away the shock, Francis grabbed a nearby glass jar and trapped the ballerina inside. _____ pounded her fists against the crystal, but no use. Arthur then looked back to see Francis coming towards him. Grabbing his gun, the tin soldier quickly climbed a mountain of wooden blocks.
Francis still towered him and pushed the mountain of blocks, sending Arthur flying across the room. ______ pressed up against the glass, hoping he was alright. Sure enough, Arthur was safe but close to the windowsill. An oncoming block got his attention, Francis was throwing blocks at him trying to knock Arthur into the streets outside. Finally, Francis threw a large wooden boat at him sending Arthur and the boat out the window into the streets below.

"No! Arthur!" ______ cried, watching him disappear into the raining night.

Arthur and the boat both were sent down into the sewer. It was dark and damp. Many bugs, mostly cockroaches scurried on the walls.

'Be brave... do this for ________,' he thought.

As his boat drifted down further he noticed a shadowed silhouette of the ballerina.
"_____?" He said. Only to find in the moonlight, it was just a branch of some sort with cloth or webbing on it.

The more he drifted down the more he thought of his precious ballerina. His heart yearned to be with her again.
'I'll find you ______,' he told himself, 'please wait for me, love. I will come back!'

Soon he was surrounded by an army of rats. All hissed at him, beady red eyes glowed in the darkness. All tried to capture him but failed as he came to the exit. Arthur then tumbled out of the sewer and down the waterfall, leaving his boat behind. Then he plunged down into the sea, sinking.
He watched as the fishes swam away when he sank further, then he was engulfed in darkness.
Meanwhile in Alfred's home, Francis was proud to have gotten rid of him. Looking at himself in the mirror he then decided to make his move on ______. Lifting the glass jar he offered a rose bush to her.

"A sign of my love for you, ma cher," Francis told her.

______ tried to push it away, staring back at the box with three tin soldiers with her beloved Arthur missing. She then pushed Francis away, heading back to her palace. But hearing Francis trying to block her away, ducked making him crash into the castle. Noticing his daze ______ quickly hurried into her safe home. The next day Alfred was excited to play with his tin soldier again, only to find him missing.

"Huh? Where's Artie?" He questioned.
"Mom! Have you seen Arthur!?" He asked, running downstairs to his mother.

She was reading a book when she noticed him. She shook her head.
"Sorry Alfred, I didn't take him," she told him, "you might have misplaced him, he'll be back."

Alfred nodded and marched back upstairs to play with his other toys. Later that day Alfred's mother had bought some fish. To her surprise inside was a toy tin soldier.

"Arthur!" Alfred exclaimed, noticing the toy fall to the ground.
"I thought I lost him!" He said.
"Maybe next time you should be more careful of your toys," his mother said.

Alfred nodded and went back to his bedroom. The blonde boy placed the soldier in his spot then went back down to help his mother. Later that night it was midnight when a small glow appeared in the room. All the toys began to wake. All the soldiers began to do their daily routine.
But for Arthur he noticed _____ struggling from Francis' grasp.

"Let go!" The (h/c) girl cried.

The tin soldier launched himself by a rocking horse and pulled on Francis' hair.
"Non, not my hair!" The blonde French toy exclaimed.

Arthur stood in front of her, ready to protect. Once Francis finished fixing his hair, he noticed Arthur. Shock spread across his face.

"You!" With that Francis pulled out a sword, surprising the couple.

A fierce battle raged between the two. Now the Jack finally gotten hold of the soldier. Arthur hoped far off he was on the edge of the table, close to the fireplace. Francis had the upper arm, but to his mistake he pushed to hard sending both himself and the tin soldier to flames. The Jack-in-the-box was the first to be up in flames, while the soldier still laid on the hot coals and ash.
_____ dropped, crying about her love.

"No... Arthur, please don't leave me," she wept.

Now this is just an old story tale and not something that could happen. The ballerina then hurled herself into the flames. She laid beside her soldier, holding him in her arms.

"L-love...? What are you doing?" Arthur asked, "you'll die..."

______ smiled, holding him tight. She took off his black hat and ran her fingers through his blonde hair.

"I don't care about that," she said, "I'll love you, now and forever..."
Arthur nodded. He couldn't stop the stubborn girl.

"Alright...," he agreed, "I love you too..."

Now didn't I warn you about the story at the beginning that it might draw tears. Though after the fire died later that night, that morning Alfred came into his play room to find his Jack-in-the-box, ballerina, and tin soldier missing. He looked everywhere! But then noticed the fire had died down and through the ashes a heart shaped ruby appeared. Thinking of his missing toys, he smiled at the story he had just  came up with.
He took the ruby and shown it to his mother. Over the years the ruby was past down to each generation. But by one possessor of the ruby he decided to cut it in half and sell it for money. Now it has come to the modern era and the half-heart was given by a dying mother to her favourite son. He was the fourth son and loved to read and would sit hours on end reading to either his baby brother, Alfred or his mother.
He had golden blonde hair like the sun, ivory skin, noticeable thick brows and eyes that shone like emeralds. His name was Arthur Kirkland . He kept the half piece, hoping to find the owner of the other half. Though it wasn't that hard when a fateful day came.

"Alfred! Come back here!" Arthur cried, chasing his little brother around the park and known market and meeting place.

Passing many people who were walking, trying to catch the hyperactive child. He stopped chasing the blonde boy with an odd cowlick when he came to a crowded area.

"Alfred, don't run off like that!"  Arthur scolded, "what has gotten into you?" The Brit asked.

He then turned his gaze to a street performer, a dancer. The British man stared in awe at her movement. Bits of contemporary, hip pop, and break dancing as well. She did a few flips and awed the crowd at the slow pace then quicken right on Que. When her performance was over few people left, others dropped a few coins before leaving.
Arthur gave Alfred a bill to drop into her hat.

"Oh, thanks kid," she said, messing up his hair.
"You're welcome, miss!" Alfred replied, "Iggy liked it too!"
"Iggy?" The young lady asked.

The little boy then pointed to the older blonde standing a bit further away. He wore a pair of black jeans, white shirt with a olive green vest and a Doctor Who sweater over it. He seemed a bit shy, but kept a straight face. He seemed to be about the same age as she was, maybe a year or two older. The girl giggled walking over to him.
She had a smile on her (s/c) face, (h/l) (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes shone bright. Her clothes consisted of a pair of Attack on Titan leggings, a loose (fav anime) shirt (a bit big on her), and a (f/c) coloured Jacket.

"That's my older brother," Alfred said.

His eyes then trailed to the necklace around her neck. "Hey! Iggy has the same necklace too!"
He then grabbed the woman's hand and pulled her to his older brother.

"Alfred, don't pulled the young lady if she doesn't want to," Arthur scolded.
Alfred's face dropped. "Sorry, Iggy," he apologized, "but she has the same necklace as you!"
Arthur's eyes widened.
"I beg your pardon?"
The girl tilted her head. "You mean this?" She asked, showing the half ruby.
"My brother Francis gave it to me, " she explained, "got this from our grandmother. Never known where she got it though..."
"My mother told me it's from back in colonial times," Arthur said, "she told me it was the heart of a soldier and his lover and that their love will never die... or at least that's what my whole family says about the heart."
"I can somewhat see that..." The (nationality) said.

Taking off the necklace she handed it to Arthur. The Englishman done the same, the two fit perfectly.

"See?" Alfred said proudly.
The (h/c) giggled.
"Oh, I'm sorry to introduce myself," Arthur apologized to her, "the name is Arthur Kirkland, this as you tell is Alfred."
"Nice to meet you, name's ______," ______ introduced herself.

The two shook hands. It felt as if they had known each other for a while. Then there was a voice calling the girl's name. Not far from them was a blonde man with shoulder length hair. He had a goatee and violet eyes. Beside him was two other men, one was an Albino another was a Spaniard with tan skin and chocolate brown hair and green eyes.

"In a minute!" ______ called, "sorry, that's my brother and his friends. Aren't taken lightly to me talking to strangers."
"I understand," Arthur replied, "they're just protective is all."
"Yeah... plus I had a shift earlier," ____ shrugged, "say, if you aren't busy any time soon, why not go on a date with me?"
"A date...? Seems fine with me," Arthur agreed, "the day is still young, how about tonight? Just meet back here at six...?"

_____ nodded, "fine with me."  The two exchanged numbers then went their separate ways. The story of the tin soldier and his ballerina, long forgotten, but their new story and life has just begun. Fate and love are very unusual things, aren't they?
WOOT! TWO DAYS *sees clock* Ok three days to write this! I am so tired! But the story isn't a X-mas story, sometimes people do tell it as that, but it isn't. For me, I told it like a somewhat X-mas oneshot. But yeah... So the versions I pulled out were this one:…
and the Disney Fantasia version. Some of it was also bits of mine, but the last one was totally mine. I also felt really sorry for France so I made him your brother ^^; also I'm making a fix for him too. Making it all fluff and stuff XD *Winnie the Pooh ref*. But I didn't say specifically who's your brother so if you don't want it to be France then one of the BTT's.
Oh and sorry if I made any mistakes on it. I know it's a Hans Christian Anderson story and it was a tin soldier with a pure heart and all so it could have been either Denmark or America... but I went and gave the role to England instead, why? Because the outfit reminded me of pics of him as the royal guard and I saw a Fem!USxMale!UK fanart based off it.
I might do a Nutcracker thing for Alfred if I have time. Though maybe not... Lots more things to write. Till them ciao!~

EDIT: So... um... I got a bit of
about the story. Um, thanks for the correction and sorry that I wrote down tin burns when it doesn't. But that was what was written in the original story, besides Joker burning as well. So technically that's how the ending actually happens. Also I'm still a kid so I'm not good at either math or english and I enjoy writing, even if I make a few mistakes.

Hetalia and all Characters: Himaruya
You: you or :iconsexyenglandplz:
Plot/story base: Hans Christian Anderson…
Anything in here I do not own!
© 2014 - 2024 Yuki-the-Trickster
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angelstien10's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Your story had one of the most original plot stories yet still brought me to tears and showed how love knows no boundaries and can even go beyond a lifetime. It was touching and extremely sweet. I pictured the feelings very well and your descriptions were very amazing. I was deeply touched because of the idea of love overcoming time especially since I recently lost my aunt and I hope that she knows I love her. This was extremely enjoyable despite me not loving England like that and since I saw it in my messages I gave it a try. It was worth every second